Friday, July 22, 2011
the better i see you with
people take their eyes for granted, I have, most people have, ya drive, ya watch tv, ya wear glasses to watch tv or read, ya dont think about it much, We didnt either and i was having to explain to Anita what the words and pics on the tv were. Then we got it checked out trying to get her new glasses, something that comes on slowely i guess she had cataracs on both eyes, she could see her hands in front of her face in a fog! well we have 1 eye fixed, the eye surgery was great, and with 1 eye she can see how much i need to do around here, she can see the tv. I dont have to read to her anymore, and thats just 1 eye! the 2nd eye gets fixed next week, That Doc is great, when that 2nd eye is healed im in so much trouble! She is gonna see what a slob i have been around the house, so i may not be posting for a while,Ill be following orders and cleaning!, which is fine with me! Im excited for her! Oh man if i was in trouble with 1 good eye, im in deep stuff when they both work next week! I think its great tho, she wont need glasses anymore! Im excited, she is excited, my only other small problem is that she will actually be able to see the old man that kisses her goodnite, she may not like that look, but i have been re-assured that with the 1 eye she likes what she see"s, But when both eyes focus? Hummmm! I aint gonna be no Tom Hanks(she loves him) and i give her a hard time about that, and she knows im a (Jamie lee Curtis) fan, we have fun with that stuff! If Tom Hanks and Jamie lee Curtis were to make out in a movie we would both be ticked off, Lol! Fun, We just have too much fun, we enjoy laffing!, Thats what we do! I wish everyone had as much fun as we do!, that saying from readers digest laughter is the best medicine is no joke, It works!!!!1
Saturday, July 16, 2011
can ya tell blue is my fav.color? anyway dogs is the subject tonite. We use to have 3 dogs, a rat terrier mix (thinks he is a pit bull) a hairless poodle(the house dog &Anita"s guardian) and we had a shitzue i called the teddy bear because thats what he was a big old teddy bear! just wanted to hug! well he ran away, i searched and searched and never found him, as loving as he was i feel sure some faimly took him in. because i checked the pound and he never showed up there! So that left us with the rat and the poodle, now at 1 time when we had the 3 they were all brothers in arms they all sleot together at the foot of the bed, 1 big happy family! but when the teddy bear vanished something happend, the poodle and the rat became jelious for affection! each wanted to be the KING dog, they started fighting, was it because the dog that was 30 lbs bigger than they were wasnt there any more? i dont know? they are jelious doggies, I had to put the rat terrior outside because the fights were nasty, drawing blood kill nasty! ita all jealiousy, they have both lost an eye fighting! so i had to seperate them,well the rat doggie is in the garage, he has 30 feet of rope to get to the yard and the front door, he is the alarm, i know when the mailman is here , or people walking down the street! yes he is outside but he is spoiled, he drinks ice water all summer and has a heating blanket in the winter! the poodle got the indoor job. Why? im not really sure but i believe that sparky (poodle) understands english and reads my mind, he knows when im going out on the patio, and he will not go out there unless i go! he is like a child, he does what i tell him to do with out hesitation what ever it is he just does what i say1, IM PROBABLY GONNA REGRET THIS but i think im gonna switch em tonite, let the rat in and put sparky on the chain, wish me luck!
Friday, July 15, 2011
The Good, The Bad, & the Ugly
The good, Anita has cataracs and caint see well but they can be fixed easily, the eye drops are being used, appts made, everything is in place! and we & she is ready to do this, the doc says she will amaized at the vision after its done. The Bad, we were kinda dreading it especially Anita, it is eye surgery! that alone can be kinda scary. that and we have to travel 65 miles to have it done in a strange place that we haver never been to. and our over night low temps have been like 82 and highs around 107 and there is no change in the forcast for a while, so travel will be(was) on a hot day!.........The Ugly...... Ok they do 1 eye at a time, the doc says she will see great, it takes a while, the ugly part is that she had 1 eye done yesterday and she is already seeing better, the next eye in 2 weeks. why is that ugly you might ask? Well, ill tell ya,lol, Anita is starting to see things she hasnt seen in a long time, she it telling me i need to shave, when is the last time you vacumed this floor, we have 1 of those swiffer dusters ya know when is the last time you done that,are those dirty dishes in the sink? ok iv been a slacker, but now that she can see what iv slacked on i guess thats comeing to an end. thats the ugly part, my slacking days are over, every breath i take, every move i make, she is watching me,lol! I am so proud of her, and so glad she will see again!!! yea i joke but thats what i do, laughter helps ya live longer and trust me, we laff ourselves to sleep everynite, altho anita only laffs when she see"s me......... well lets not go there! this seems like a good place to wind this up!
Monday, July 11, 2011
right brain/left brain
Ok this is a hard one, but i think iv figuered it out, ill do my best to spell right but not primise! Im gonna try to figure this out, I have gotten lazy I use to tinker in the man cave all the time. I have walkie-talkies where Anita can holler at me, I dont think its a health question things are pretty much the same. Im hopeing ita just a weather heat question , it has been hot, iv looked and showed 110 in the garage in the shade, but its been to hot to tinker! so in the mean time all of my work benches that i built are covered with spider webs and i sit in the house doing nothing but watching tv with Anita! well im a guy! i was built to work and not working is effecting me. so here is the brain conversation. Right brain, from here on will be rb. rb( why aint ya out in the garage) left brain is lb (its hot out there) rb well ya done it before) lb (yea but it wasnt 109 eithier) rb ( you use to work in a hot factory) lb (yea but i was younger) Rb (suck it up youve made promises to change oil in your friends car) lb ( yes i did and it will get done) rb (he'll be back friday expecting it) rb ( shut up, i always keep a promise) thats the arguement i have in my head every day, he is my buddie and ill have it done for hin but i also have tons of other stuff in the works, like catarac surgery, ya know stuff just a little more imporntant,but when he gets back ill have it done and because he is a buddie, ya know what my payoff will be? If im lucky a 6 pack! but thats fine i love workin on cars (older ones)!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
pet pevees
I know, its hard to fathom that i would have 1 or 2 or, well lets stop there, Ha Ha! so i need to change the oil in the car and i i go to the local automitve parts store, i wont mention any names(o"reillys-auto zone) and ask for an oil filter well the following is the question and awnser series. what type of car?, pontiac, what year, 94, what model, bonnelville, engine size? v-6, power windows? yes power seats? yes, whats the capacity of the fuel tank? how much air is in the right front tire? the left rear tire? is there a secret compartemant in the trunk? how many times a day do you go to the bathroom? and thie typing all this crap into a computer so they can find the right size oil filter for me, so at a point I say ya know what college boy, there is a whole rack of oil filters right behind you, why dont you just turn around and hand me one and ill tell ya if it fits or not! No thats not it, I know the # on the filter i need its the ps117 jsst give me that one and he does however before he rings it up the line of questions start again because if the computer dosent recognize it, it wont let him ring it up!!! people are clueless unless they have a computer telling them what to do! so i just go to wal-mart like i should have done in the 1st place and it was quicker than 2 people in an auto parts store bedazzled by a computer! which i assume they spent most of the rest of the afternoon trying to communicate with? but that starts part 2 of pet peeves, getting the oil filter in wal-mart. yea i knew what it looked kile, i didnt have to check ##"s im a car guy, we just know! but anyway i head to the checkout, now this is a wal-mart super center, you can get a hair cut in there, have an asian girl paint your toe nails, shoot zombies in the arcade, get your pic taken, file your taxes, what ever and their are 35 checkout lanes, except! only lane 1 and 2 and 34 and 35 are open which means you stand in line behind a lot of non english speaking people with 2 overloaded buggies full of groceries with 5 screaming un controllable kids, i no i complain a lot but if this happened once, Ok, twice, tolorable, but no thats the daily wal-mart experiance! and all i wanted to do was change the oil in the car! and it aint gonna happen without that kinda hassel!other than that Anita and I have had a wonderfull day full of laughs and music! It all started this morning with a tv add with music, she asked who sang that? i said i think so-in so! she said she didnt think so so i typed it in search and looked it up, well we were both wrong,Ha Ha! but after that the game was on!!!! we spent all day argueing over who did what song, id end up looking it up because we both hate that when ya know and its right on the tip of the tounge and ya can picture the faces, but ya dont remember the name!!! well thats my fun part, ya can find anything on the internet and id find the song and artist and tell Anita well now i know and you dont, well thats the besy excerise she"s had i thought she was gonna cone outta that chair and kick my butt because i was teasing! but id tell her and we laffed. it was just a good we sat and talked all day myself hearing about her younger years and she listened to my tall tells! ans it seems like ib every other sentance we spoke there seemed to be a line from an old classic rock and roll song, one of us would start and the other would finish the lyrics just to let each other i know that stuff too you aint fooling me! and then we would say who did that song? and id end up looking it up again,lol one thing i can warn ya about. if Alex Trebek every has a rock and roll jeopardy, you DO NOT wanna play against Anita and i, come to think of it I wouldnt play against Anita! well i would but i wouldnt expect to win! Ok thats my rants and raves for today, Have a good night All!!!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
global warming, was Al gore right?
Nope, i aint buying into that, yes its been extreamly hot, but last winter was extreamly cold, Mother nature will take care of the planet, she dont need us to decide whats good or bad, it happened long before we got here and will happen long after we are gone! just my opinon but dosent it seem that after every election the new administration starts trying to scare old people into buying stuff, remember y2k? my mom was stocking up on stuff like heating oil, the heater to burn it , water, canned food, while i was telling her no!! but she insited that i go buy this stuff for her, crap i bought it fpr the elderly lady across the street! well how did y2k work out, i ended up taking all that stuff back and getting their money back for them! the goverement predicting 1 disaster after another is to scare old people into voting, for them because they are the only ones who know how to save us!!! well that stuff probably worked on past generations, but as us baby boomers are getting old, we"ve been there done that seen that, it aint workin anymore! but the goverment is so slow in working that they have no idea that the gerenal public aint buying that crap anymore. it make take another 2 generations for them figure that out, and again they will still be behind the times! now that im on a rant, lets keep going, have ya ever looked at 1 of those c-span channels? almost an amphitheater in a very large nice building with all the nice desks and leather chairs. well there is always some guy at the podium with a pie chart and a laser pointer and he is ranting about something in the micraphone, have ya evere noticed how many people are in that giant room that we the tax payers pay for? 3- 5? and their on cell phones !!!!!! dont we have 50 states? senators , governers, representives, congress on a huge payroll?? where are they? their not in that room to debate, where are they? well im not sure and im just guessing that senatoe aor congressman had and 11am tee time with a potential suporter/voter/contributions to get re-elected. just my guess, i dont know but am very suspicious, i mean the tax payers do pay you to work 8 to 5, crap ill even give ya 9 to 5 and weekends off, shouldnt you be in your leather chair at your big desk at least debating whats going on? Im sorry if surfs up in hawaii, its your job! thats what you get paid to do! us baby boomers back in the day didnt care, we had a car,a girlfriend, didnt pay attention, but now we are older and growing stronger as a voteing machine and we are watching every move you make! if there wear a report card handed out for participation and attendance you would be moved to the back of the class or out in the hall or have to report to dentention, to put it in plain english, i believe the voters are fixing to say get out of my classroom! Hows that for a rant? pretty good aint i? lol and all of that wasnt my intent when i sat down and started, but i dont dance around once i start i have tunnel vision and wont shut up! I was gonna rant about the weather, cell phones,texting, etc but ill save that for another day, my fingers are tired of typing, on the other hand i may take a 30min break and start all over again!!!!! naw i think not,lol!
Monday, July 4, 2011
the july the 4th thing
i wont stay long, im fat, happy and sleepy, every year when i cook out iv out done myself from the year before and i can always say it caint get any better than this I say that every year and now im gonna say it again, We had brats,burgers,chichen,ribs, iv never had any luck with corn on the cob on the grill, but for some reason this july the 4th it was perfection!!!!!!!! I was sucking on an empty cob like a baby sucks a dry bottel! that was some good stuff! everything was perfect!! from the ribs to the macaroni salad it was great and we are stuffed! so ill say it again, there is noway i could out do that!! but i said that last year so i guess we will just have to wait and see. Oh wait we have labor day comeing the last big cookout day before fall and winter, Ill start the menue tomorrow, Anita and I watched the fireworks from the front yard, she has gone to bed, iv got all the left overs wraped and in the fridge so im gonna see if i can weeble and wobble my self to bed and not fall down! good nite all!
neighbors and magic
I probably have the best next door neighbor any one could have, he ia a young airman with 2 little girls probably 5 or 4 yrs old. at 1st when they moved in a couple of years ago the little girls were very shy, they would peak around the corner of the car while i was mowing the lawn. sometimes briefly wave at me and then hide, but after a couple of years now they know me , they holler at me and call me Mr. neighbor (gee that dont make me feel old) they rush to tell me stories from their church school. What does that have to do with magic, well give me a minute and ill get around to that. I love magic and all the magic guys on tv, i take it in spells, sometimes i will study it practice it and some tricks im pretty good at, but it does take a lot of practice over and over again by your self to get it right(thats something im not good at) I can do most all of the card tricks and the mind reading tricks, those are easy and ya can find out how to do most of those on you tube. but i found out how to make water dissapear in a paper funnel, make a silk hankie disapear in the palm of me hand, that stuff takes lots of practice! a yyear or so ago my grandaughters come home from indiana and i had put a small act together for them, now they were 16 and 13 at the time and i did the cardf & mind reading tricks and they were impressed, then the water and the silk cloth disapeared they were really impresed!!! but when i jabbed the meat skewer in my arm and the blood was running down that kinda freaked em out, especially when i invited them to push it back and fourth in my arm with blood running, well that was the end of my magic show, they didnt like that part at all! No i didnt jab a meat skewer in my arm and yes it was fake blood but i made it look real and they were about 2 feet away from me and it freaked em out!! Im a grandpa, thats what i do,lol! thats the down side of magic, iv studdied it watched it i know how some things are done not all, trust me i dont know 1/8th of how they do that stuff but what i do know is that after ya get the shock and awe from grandkids the desire to practice dwindles. yea i still pull out the easy and cheesy ones on Anita"s nurses and Bath lady once in a while like the messed up rubiks cube i can toss in the air and catch in my hat and ta-da its solved, but the hard ones iv kinda let go, but im kinda getting the urge to start again but i know its hours and hours of practice alone because ya dont want anyone to see what your doing and 90% of the time your gonna screw it up! trust me 1 trick takes hours to perfect! and ya only have 1 chance to show it! card tricks are easy and iv spent a ton of time practicing those before i show anyone. and the disapearing stuff, i can do it and its really pretty easy if ya have practiced. Iv got 1 of those iv been gonna pull out on Anita"s bath lady but im still just a little unsure, iv done all the prep work but still im unsure! Now that iv mentioned Anita"s bath lady maby i should explan that, since she had her stroke several yrs ago her mind is just fine its just that the body dont work anymore, she caint walk, caint get in the shower or go to the bathroom, well i handel the bathroom mishaps but there is a bath lady or ladies that come by 3 times a week and give her a bath in the chair, there is Jana or Janie or Jania i caint spell her name she comes by most of the time and Anita just loves her to death she is young and our nickname for her is sweety ya just wanna hug her like a teddy bear, then there is Misty, a big ol party girl she is loud and speakes her mind, orders me around like a step child for the water and soap and lotion and stuff but ya know what we like her a lot too!she is funny and she loves us! she dont mind telling us about her nite at the nite club last nite! and on occasion Larissa comes by she comes in does her job and will sit and talk for a while, we like her also, she gives me mexican recipe"s to try. But Anita will not let anyone wash her hair except myself and Jania, and she prefers that Jania does it! and she wont let anyone cut and shape her hair but yours truly, ME! and when im doing that she calls me Mr. Risharde the gay french hair dresser! maby under the circumstances we just have too much fun for a couple of old farts. but the underlying word is we have FUN! no matter what! hey iv messed around and its the 4th of july already, i gotta get some sleep iv got cookin out to do, goodnite
Sunday, July 3, 2011
the grouchy old man thing comes to life
Old? me? im not old! well ok, i guess Anita and I are set in our ways maby just a little bit. same tv shows , same routine everyday, we listen to oldies radio every morning till noon, then we watch modern marvels on history channel, and switch to the dog whisperer on discovery, after that i find the old series that 70"s show for her as i duck around the corner and watch 2hrs of sports talk shows on espn. then about 5:30 i rejoin her and we watch king of the hill and the simpsons re-runs till 7pm at which time we switch to fox news and watch the o-rielly factor, after that Anita goes to bed, and i sit here and blog while the discovery or history channel is on, that is our daily routine untill some holliday rolles around, then those channels send everyone home i guess, shove in a dvd and broadcast marathon shows. scify has a twilight marathon on which is fine, we like that and try to guess who the stars are since we see them in their much younger years. discovery channel has a deadliest catch marathon going, history channel had a pawn stars marathon going, my question is what does pawn stars have to do with history? I guess people pawn old stuff i dont know. but we like that show any way but after a while ya have seen em all yet they keep going and going! most of this twilight zone stuff i remember from my youth but their fun to watch for a while! Iv looked its gonna be on untill midnight tomorrow! Dont get us wrong, we love the holidays, july the 4th is my favorite but when they start these tv marathons it breaks our routine, it changes what i cook, when i cook, my sports talk shows arnt on,Anita"s cash cab show aint on. it changes the time we eat, what we eat, and by the time when everything settels back into normal for us theres another holiday comeing, how many weeks is it untill labor day? the last big cookout weekend of the year! well not really for us, iv been known to walk out in the snow to flip the burgers on the grill! Oh well this is my weekend, ill be cooking Brats,Burgers,chickes,ribs their already maranating in the fridg, its gonna be smoking hot outside but iv already got a big pitcher of rasberry lemon aide and sweet tea in the fridge, and if ya were to dig deep ya might find a six pack of mikes hard lemon aid next to the keystone light, hey those are the essentials of cooking out just like charcoal and mesquite wood chips!! A man,his friends, his fire, his red meat, and his beer on a 105 degree day on july the 4th!! waiting on the fireworks show. It dosent get any better than this!!!the sad part is that about 11pm tomorrow it all comes crashing down, the bbq fire is out, everyone is full and sleepy, and leaving, paper plates napkins and leftovers everywhere and tuesday life returns to normal. back to the routine untill the next one rolls around! geeze i love july the 4th!!!!!!! it just comes and goes so quickly! and darn we dropped $180 in wal-mart last nite and i forgot the bbq sauce, the sliced dill pickles,the relish, the sliced cheese, and most of all the corn on the cob, guess that means a last minute rush to the house of mayhem which im not looking forward to! well thats enough, i need my sleep, hard day of cooking tomorrow, everyone have a very happy and safe 4th of july!!!!!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
wierdo"s of wal-mart
Ok , so i had this bright idea thats since its the 1st of the month and a holiday weekend im gonna wait. let the food stampers get outta the way, avoid the faimly re-unions at the end of every counter, and the people who are so important they caint put their cell phone down for 1 sec. So I waited, i went to wal-mart at 11pm to get my holiday cook out stuff. Boy was that a mistake!!! not only were the faimly re-unions still being held the wierd people come out at nite! The stockers had the rows so blocked ya couldnt get to where ya needed, the important cell phone people were still in there and most of the shelfs were bare. did they not see the 1st and a holiday comeing??? and the stockers? where do they find these people and how did they get the job? there was one guy that looked like lurch from the adams family, i was gonna ask about an item but i was afraid he was gonna turn to me and say in a deep voice YOU RANG! then there was a guy working produce, he was replacing 1 onion at a time very slowly and he had more long strait hair than cher! I think he looked at me but ya couldnt see a face because of the hanging hair. where do these people come from? and why do they hold family re-unions right in front of a can of beans i wanna buy, and they wont move even if you say excuse me, its like your crashing their party! But in the end iv got everything for a great cookout on the 4th and i didnt have to wait in a checkout line, i found an empty on so i got in and got out fairly quickly. I have burgers,brats,ribs.chicken, all going in the smoker monday morning, got chips and dips, potato,macarini salad, cole slaw and a big bucket of NEO ice cream, for the guys iv got keystone light and some mikes hard lemonade, sweet tea, reg lemonade, rasberry lemonade and smoke will be rolling off the patio till the fireworks start and the city shoots those off less than a 1/4 mile from here you can see em just fine from our front yard! and everyone is invited! Have a great 4th everyone.
Friday, July 1, 2011
the perfect july the 4th
everyone knows how to cook out and everyones is good, i can tell ya how to make it great. people throw burgers, steaks, brisketd, ribs on the grill and chow down the moment they come off the grill, Thats a NO NO NO! trust me people i am the king of grilling! The 1st mistake you make make is buying the freshest red meat, NO! look for the stuff thats starting to turn brown, that means the enzymes are starting to break down and it will be more tender and the butchers will mark it down so its cheaper (trust me people, my best friend has been a butcher for 20yrs) Ill get back to that later. then whatever you are cooking out, put your rub or special sauces on it but never ever put meat on the grill outta the fridge, let it come to room temp! yea ya can rub it or sauce it the night before but there is salt in everything you use, and the salt draws the moister outta the meat, when ya let it come to room temp. the meat re absorbs that moistier with all the spices in it, then i know everyone has heard this, cook low & slow, heres the trick that no one wants to wait on, im sure ya all heard let it rest after ya pull it off the grill, dont tent it with foil, just let it rest! Here is the best explnation i can give, If your on a tread mill or go jog for 30min then all your muscles are tight, and if you sit down and rest everything relaxes, same thing with meat, when ya pull it off the grill everything is tight, its just joged a mile or so, let it rest, it will loosen up and be the juiciest most flaviorable steak or rib or chicken youve ever had! let it rest, eat some potato salad, some chips, coleslaw,maccaroni salad, let it rest! you will be rewarded! Pbs may have a show called America"s test Kitchen But trust me MY STUFF WORKS , yea i get a lot of ideas from them but i tweek em a little bit. Iv got burgers, brats, ribs, chicken, going on the grill on the 4th and we can see the fireworks from our front yard! Every one have a safe and fun 4th of july!
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