Thursday, August 16, 2012

Reality t.v.

These have gone a little to far,YA THINK! where do i start, and i'll probably forget a few.  so lets start with the obvious, Pawn stars,c ajun pawn,combat pawn, led to restoration which led to American 
pickers then the combo the fast and furious I believe is the name where they find old cars and restore them then auction them. now we have Ice road truckers,Deadliest catch,deadly seas,Great lake warriors,Gator 911,swamp people trust me im not even close yet, Their are swamp loggers,loggers in the great north west(why is it called that)  Repo miami, repo guys lizzard lick repo,Las vegas repo American guns,Top shot, now I havent mentioned  Big brother or survivor or the housewives of Atlanta or jersy shore thats just the tip of the iceberg, oh yea thats next,lol, these cheap t.v people will not find writers and actors that can do anything watchable! they are greedy and can pay common folk a lot less to be followed around by a camera all day (hey i"m right here and cheap) lol. but as a write this i think also, yes i can do both! and i ponder (not a good thing) I am a big sports fan and what is sports, I prefer football,golf, nascar,  those are real people doing things in real life on t.v. and yet i watch, so I take back everything I just said (not really, i meant every word) So as I watch todays highlites on ESPN i guess ill shut up!!! prob not for long tho, we have an election on the horizon,lol!!!!!!


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

dogs and veggies

We have 2 doggies,neither one weighs more than 2lbs, a little poodle, and a smaller rat terrier who thinks  he is a pit -bull........... they use to be a band of brothers, but for a reason  unknown for us some jealiousy kicked in ad they begain to fight, do we had to seperate them! 1 outside 1 inside, sometimes i switch em, make em take turnes!....they have developed seperat personalties..... I grilled some asparagus today.. I dropped 1..,. indoor doggie jumped all over it and ate it like he would a hot dog!,.....well as a test i handed him an other one  and he scarfed it down!.... I never knew a dog that would eat green veggies!....I told Anita that was a sign that i was a good cook when the dog craved my veggies!...... So as a test i took 1 of my grilled asparagus out to the 1lb thinks he is a pit bull doggie to see how he liked it.... now im not sure, i know he has 4 paws,  he sniffed it and i think he gave me the middle paw,...yea I got flipped off by a dog that said show me the beef!!!! your #1.. you eat it! Pets, ya gotta love em! their pretty smart!

the 4th of july

Does anyone anticipate the 4th of july more than me? I dought it!my fav holiday of the year! Why is it a mans,or at least this mans favorite day of the year? we start the night before prepareing, marinaet  the red meat,then on the 4th the work begins. Get the grill ready, proper temps, apron on, then family and friends start to arive, we (I) start cooking in 100  degree weather trying to prepare the perfect summer cookout,burgers,dogs,brats, and we each have our own special recipe, cook all that up, bust out the potato salad and the macaroni salad with some grilled corn on the cob. let everyone eat their fill, wait to hear their approval of how good  it was, everyone leaves late in the afternoon and we shed the apron and eat whats leftover in pride of what we have done! and then fortunatly in my case we watch fireworks on the front lawn! I can see em from here! and when the grand finally is over,I relize its done,over with, Iv worked for this, planned for this, and after 1 big starburst explosion in the sky, ITS OVER!  oh well iv  done it in yrs past and God willing I will do it in yrs future! I love the 4th of july!!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

it has hit and i don"t like it

yes, i never paid much attention, i thought it was just a tall tale but old age  starts to take a toll, Am I old? i dont think so, I am 60 and i think that is middle age now,on the other hand when Anita was in thr hospital last week i decided to walk home for a while. Its only about a mile and a half,  wasnt a problem at 5:30am, i rather enjoyed it! leg sore muscles were expected, I havent walked that far in a long time. Anita is home now, and Iv learned
to know as much as nurses and how to apply that. and i need to get up and walk a mile at 5:30 am walking in the park that time of morning is great! Im gonna try, But old man age has slapped me in the face! I stay up late, sleep late when things are normal, body parts are sore, iv developed the grouchy old man attitude in public, My own children will walk away from me ina super-store, i enbarasse them. because i have no problem asking a person with a buggy full og stuff in the 10 items or less lane if they know how to count. i guess they dont! and the store dont enforce it!, that ticks me off!! I have less than 10 items and i wanna aget the heck outta there!!!! Ok im done ranting,  and i love every one who puts up with my ramblings!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

post fathers day

yea, fathers  me a happy fathday, so what, My oldest daughter did call me and dappy fathers day, as did my younger sister, my second born? well he has borrowed every lawn tool i have (havent seen my weedeater in 2 yrs) so he didnt call or come by and he owes me money. the 3rd  daughter lives less than a mile from me and hasnt spoke to me in 3yrs! and oh yea the youngest daughter, she called this morning and hung up on me because i didnt have money to loan her! I kinda hoped for a reconcilitation with daughter  #2 today but it didnt happen. I will not lose sleep over it. they are young, everybody hates their parents at one point, been there, done that! but eventually you grow up and realize that every one has faults, even your parents! and if ya hold a grudge just a littke to long, Bam! there gone and there is no makeup time there gone! I am sure i was an a$$ at times to my parents, but there gone, i would have loved to talk to my father today but i caint! well in my mind yes i can, i will pray tonite to god and i know dad is listening!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

fathers day

yes im a father now,  my father has been gone for a long time. I miss him, he taught me everything i know now! he taught me humility, respect for your fellow man & woman, to humble, to take life with an attitude that you get what you put into it. He taught me to be a man! honesty,dont expect more than you deserve,hard work, and believe in God! and if you do those simple things life will treat you well! well i have followed those rules, iv strayed  from time to time,but i manage to come back and life is good! sometimes we seem to forget that we are immortal, we live forever, our parents live through us, we live through our children and they live their children, so a little piece of us is always walking this planet earth! and will be for generations to come. I hope i have passed on some of these traits to my children, im sure i haven some just figure it out sooner than others, some later, but they (we) all get it eventually! and on that note,I miss you Dad,I thank you for all you taught me!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

grouchy old man rambling

I may wander from time to time on thoughts. I hate shopping in the super store,especially at the 1st of the month but i have no choice! faimly re unions on every lane,people talking on cell fones to a person 2 lanes over, neighbors who live next door block and talk like the havent seen each othe in 5 yrs, a man turns his bugggy and blocks and stares at milk?  are you kidding me? its MILK! already, pick one and move along!! I dont care if its store brand, Hiland, bordens, theres only a .05 cents difference, ITS MILK! get one and get outta the way! I can understand stareing at breads, cheeses,cereal,there are lots of flavors they deserve some time,But MILK? Ita milk already, get it and get away!!! Oh yea, back to the 1st of the month thingy. we budget,clip cupons, make lists and get whats only on the list. I make several trips with short lists so i can get in the 10 items or less lane, and it happens every month around the 1st, a woman with a buggy full of stuff i wish i could get, pulling a buggy full of crap 6 kids are throwing in and they jump in the 10 items or less lane and they check em out, they dont enforce it! Oh yea the lady pushing and pulling buggies with 6 kids, nobody spoke any english,whats wrong with this picture?